7 Surefire Strategies To Get Rid Of Period Cramps Naturally – FASHION 46

7 Surefire Strategies To Get Rid Of Period Cramps Naturally

All of us have experienced the agony of menstruation and the dangers it brings. Those menstrual cramps, nausea, and mood swings, even if they come at different times and in different intensity, have affected all of us. There are some simple ways to reduce menstrual pain if things get too tough.


Here are the 7 Surefire Steps To Get Rid Of Period Cramps Natural Way:

1) Acupuncture can be used for this purpose.

Use acupuncture

An added benefit of acupuncture is that it helps regulate blood flow and the nervous system, which in turn helps calm muscular contractions and relieve menstrual pain. Acupuncture also helps with better sleep, digestion, and moods, among other things.

2) Exercise


Contrary to popular belief, regular physical activity is beneficial to women during their menstrual cycle. Walking, running (the endorphins released during a run combat the pain), yoga, and even dancing are all examples of exercises that have been shown to help alleviate the symptoms of menstrual cramps.

3) Use a heating pad.

Use a heating pad

The hot water bag is a tried and true remedy for muscle spasms.

You can use a hot water bottle or heating pad to help ease tension in your muscles. The constant contraction of your pelvic organs is what causes your cramps. The heat helps to soothe those tense muscles.

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4) Lavender essential oil

Lavender oil

The contractions that cause this pain can be alleviated by inhaling the scent of lavender or applying lavender oil to the area around your lower abdomen. Aside from its soothing properties on the mind, lavender oil is a low-cost and effective alternative.

5) Eating a gel made from Aloe Vera

Consuming Aloe Vera gel

Adding honey to aloe vera gel has also been shown to alleviate menstrual cramps. It’s claimed to reduce cramping and pain by allowing blood to flow more freely.

6) Consuming vinegar made from apple cider

Consuming apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar’s potassium and calcium content regulates blood flow, prevents anaemia, and alleviates muscle cramps. A hot cup of water with a spoonful of apple cider vinegar is said to have numerous health benefits.

7) Keep an eye on what you eat.

Watch your diet

Caffeine, dairy and alcohol can cause bloating and worsen cramping, so limit these foods in your diet if you are experiencing these symptoms.

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